
Beauty of Kimono starts with Han-eri - 着物の美しさは半襟で始まる

The other question people always ask me is "can you dress yourself?" To which I answer "sort of." However, I realize the more I learn, the more I need to learn.  For example, I've recently learned how important the Han-eri (collar) on my Nagajuban (inner kimono) - this is the white collar the peeks out from the kimono. If the collar is starched and straight, the rest of the kimono will hang beautifully. And of course - there is a secret solution to that.


Every kimono school or sensei (teacher) has their own methods and secrets, and my school believes in a firm, cardboard collar that can be attached and removed (for cleaning) by double sided-tape.


My kitsuke (how to wear kimono) course is 18 classes long with each class covering a theme. I have 15 more classes at kimono school and I can't wait to see what's next!


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