
Cherry Blossom - さくら

We almost missed it; the time when spring really arrives! Forget the calendar (where spring 'officially' arrives on March 21) - in Japan, the real sign of spring is the delicate opening of these sakura (cherry blossoms). The process begins when an ever-so hint of pink can be seen at the end of each branch. Then, as the blossoms start to make their appearance, so do the crowds and the people celebrating the beauty, the beginning of the new year (both academic and most fiscal years start anew in April) and After a few (too short) days, when the winds blow, the petals begin to flutter in the wind like snowflakes and hanami (flower watching) time is over.

もうちょっとで見逃しそうだった、春の訪れを!カレンダーに書いてある、「春分の日」‐3月21日‐ を忘れて、桜が咲くのを信じよう。桜の木の先に、かすかな薄いピンク色の塊が見えてくる。そして、桜の増大につれ、人の塊も集まってくる。学校や会計年度の新年を祝いながら数日後、風が吹いて、花弁が雪のようにちらちら落ちてしまう。そして花見の終わりになります。

So in the last few days of sakura, I took a walk along Meguro River and enjoyed the quiet, peaceful beauty. What a difference from the brown of Toronto to the budding green of Tokyo.


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