
Reflections on Kimono − 着物について

Sakura (cherry blossom) time is coming and I can hardly wait. My Japanese friends are always asking me to wear kimono with them, but rather than wear it for coffee or shopping, they would prefer an ‘event’ and the third kimono event is finally coming (if I count New Year’s Day and Coming of Age day as events 1 and 2) – sakura!

One of my hopes with the Year in Kimono project is dispel the myth that kimono are only ‘special event’ attire. Of course there are special event kimono: Coming of Age Day, wedding day, etc., where an elaborate kimono is the centre piece of the event. But there can be many occasions and reasons to wear them. The least of which is the rise in affordable kimono.

With kimono-wearing in decline, it means there are plenty of recycled and second-hand kimono available at antique markets and second-hand kimono shops around Japan. This picture is my favourite kimono and I bought it for 7,000 yen (about $70 USD) at a market; which is about the same price as a dress or outfit from H&M or Zara. The design is casual, the colouring is devine. And at that price, I can wear it anywhere and anytime.

And when sakura time arrives, I will joy in wearing kimono with my friends, and hope that this year, during this occasion, they remember how comfortable and lovely kimono is and decide to wear theirs more often.




published in a/r/e/c/o/l/e monthly magazine, April Issue.   アレコレ月刊の4月号に出版

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