
Earthquakes, tsunami and nuclear disaster - oh my! - 地震、津波、電子力危機 - 大変だ!

This 18" x 24" high quality digital print on white tone semi-gloss poster stock is for sale.  All profits will be donated to Japanese disaster relief. 
As you all know, Japan has been in the news lately for the the trifecta of disasters that have hit her shores. We survived unscathed, having sat under our kitchen table during the earthquake (and aftershocks), living far enough from the sea to not be affected by tsunami, and also living far enough away from the Fukashima Power Plant to be not so affected by the nuclear disaster.
However, not everyone can say the same. If you are looking for efforts and ways to support Japan and her people during this time  - I recommend the following links. Like everything - buyer beware - please read carefully and find an organization that supports the things you support:


2HJ Second Harvest Japan: http://www.2hj.org/

Also, there are a couple of ways you can help that are free:


Or if you use Facebook - My Japan is a photography project that is raising hopes and will raise money for relief efforts in Japan. You can "like" the page, and then upload or just browse through the photos of Japan. The 50 photos with the most 'Likes' will be framed and presented to the Japanese public and press in a striking exhibition in May (with further exhibits planned for London and Johannesburg) with all proceeds from photograph sales to be donated to the relief efforts and the photographer with the winning image to receive a large print of her/his work.

もしくは、facebook アカウントをお持ちの方、写真展示会プロジェクトの My Japan をお勧めです。「あなたにとっての日本とは?」というテーマで、多くの国の人々の写真を集めて展示し、売り上げのすべてを地震・津波の被害者へ届けてくれます。facebook のページに乗っている、あなたの好きな写真に「いいね!」とクリックしたり、自分の写真をアップロードしたりも簡単にできます。トップ50の写真が展示の出品と選ばれ、My Japan のイベントで飾られます。優勝者は、自分のイメージのラージプリントも貰えます。

If you want to communicate a message to the people of Japan, one of our favourite sites: Japan for Sustainability (JFS) (established in 2002, is a non-profit organization providing information on developments and activities in Japan that lead toward sustainability) have started a page to show support to the victims of the earthquake and tsunami and to their efforts to start reconstruction. If you would like to send words of encouragement for people in Japan – they will translate your English message for their Japanese webpage.


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