Can you dress yourself - 着付け、できますか?
I had a chance to meet up with friends today and for some, it was their first time to see me in kimono. And every one of them asked me "can you dress yourself?" After two months at kimono school - yes, I can dress myself. And in a very short time, I have been able to get my dressing time down to about half an hour. It turned out looking in the mirror was slowing me down. Kimono school has only two small stand-up mirrors, and you only get to see when you are done. This means I get dressed by feel. Fingers at my collar, certain pieces lined up with certain areas of the body.
And I'm still finding it very comfortable. Especially as the weather improves! This week the weather got warm enough I didn't even need a wrap!
Reflections on Kimono − 着物について
Sakura (cherry blossom) time is coming and I can hardly wait. My Japanese friends are always asking me to wear kimono with them, but rather than wear it for coffee or shopping, they would prefer an ‘event’ and the third kimono event is finally coming (if I count New Year’s Day and Coming of Age day as events 1 and 2) – sakura!
One of my hopes with the Year in Kimono project is dispel the myth that kimono are only ‘special event’ attire. Of course there are special event kimono: Coming of Age Day, wedding day, etc., where an elaborate kimono is the centre piece of the event. But there can be many occasions and reasons to wear them. The least of which is the rise in affordable kimono.
With kimono-wearing in decline, it means there are plenty of recycled and second-hand kimono available at antique markets and second-hand kimono shops around Japan. This picture is my favourite kimono and I bought it for 7,000 yen (about $70 USD) at a market; which is about the same price as a dress or outfit from H&M or Zara. The design is casual, the colouring is devine. And at that price, I can wear it anywhere and anytime.
And when sakura time arrives, I will joy in wearing kimono with my friends, and hope that this year, during this occasion, they remember how comfortable and lovely kimono is and decide to wear theirs more often.
今年も、桜の下で着物の楽しみ、着やすさ、と素晴らしさを思い出し、友達の着物を着る回数を増やすことができればという望みを持ち、美しい風景を楽しみたいと思います。published in a/r/e/c/o/l/e monthly magazine, April Issue. アレコレ月刊の4月号に出版
Sakura is coming - いよいよ桜
This is written mostly for my Western readers: The weather in Japan is temperate. I just came back from Canada, and had to suffer -22°C. Most of Japan, especially Tokyo, doesn't see that kind of weather; here it's mild in the winter and hot in the summer. I think that's one of the reasons why the changing of the seasons is so celebrated. The weather itself doesn't change much at this time of year but the cherry blossoms signal the beginning of a new fiscal and school year, and the end to winter. The precise date of the opening of the blossoms has been forecast, and for Tokyo, the forecast is stating March 26! Parties will begin. Picnics will take place under the blossoms. And women will get out their kimono and dress for the season. I can't wait.
この記載は、主に欧米人の読者さん達向けです: 日本は温暖な天気です。カナダで‐22度の気温の中で震えてた私とっては、幸いなことです。あまり日本、特に東京では、それほどな気温には下がりませんね。冬は穏やか、夏は暑いですね。これによって季節の転換を祝うようになったのかしら。今の時期の天気自体はほぼ変わりませんが、桜の登場は新会計年度、新学年、と冬の締めを意味します。桜が咲き始まる日はすでに予測され、東京では、3月26日だと指定されています。さっそくパーティーの準備を!桜の下に、ピクニックが始ります。そして女性は季節に合わせてお着物を着るでしょう。待ち遠しいです!
Earthquakes, tsunami and nuclear disaster - oh my! - 地震、津波、電子力危機 - 大変だ!
However, not everyone can say the same. If you are looking for efforts and ways to support Japan and her people during this time - I recommend the following links. Like everything - buyer beware - please read carefully and find an organization that supports the things you support:
2HJ Second Harvest Japan: http://www.2hj.org/
Peace Boat: http://www.peaceboat.org/english/index.php
Japan Platform: http://www.japanplatform.org/E/index.html
Japan Red Cross: http://www.jrc.or.jp/english/index.html
Also, there are a couple of ways you can help that are free:
Or if you use Facebook - My Japan is a photography project that is raising hopes and will raise money for relief efforts in Japan. You can "like" the page, and then upload or just browse through the photos of Japan. The 50 photos with the most 'Likes' will be framed and presented to the Japanese public and press in a striking exhibition in May (with further exhibits planned for London and Johannesburg) with all proceeds from photograph sales to be donated to the relief efforts and the photographer with the winning image to receive a large print of her/his work.
もしくは、facebook アカウントをお持ちの方、写真展示会プロジェクトの My Japan をお勧めです。「あなたにとっての日本とは?」というテーマで、多くの国の人々の写真を集めて展示し、売り上げのすべてを地震・津波の被害者へ届けてくれます。facebook のページに乗っている、あなたの好きな写真に「いいね!」とクリックしたり、自分の写真をアップロードしたりも簡単にできます。トップ50の写真が展示の出品と選ばれ、My Japan のイベントで飾られます。優勝者は、自分のイメージのラージプリントも貰えます。
If you want to communicate a message to the people of Japan, one of our favourite sites: Japan for Sustainability (JFS) (established in 2002, is a non-profit organization providing information on developments and activities in Japan that lead toward sustainability) have started a page to show support to the victims of the earthquake and tsunami and to their efforts to start reconstruction. If you would like to send words of encouragement for people in Japan – they will translate your English message for their Japanese webpage.
The Quick Change Artist - 早変わりのアーティスト
One of my favourite parts about this project is my weekly kimono class. It's in an office building and from the outside looks like a typical office. But once you take off your shoes and go behind the screen that hides the inside from visitors' sight, it's a secret world. It is one large room, with floor to ceiling cupboards filled to the brim with kimono and all the parts necessary to wear kimono.
This week there were four classes going on at the same time; my beginner class, and higher level class plus two 'dresser' classes. Some occassions, like weddings, Coming of Age Day and graduation ceremonies, the kimono is so intricate that usually dressers are brought in to help. That's where the mannequins come in. A room full of women, of all ages, engaged in various stages and level of dressing in kimono. So fun.
Half the women are already in kimono when they arrive at school, and then undress and redress, and half come in street clothes, put on the school's kimono and then return to street clothes at the end of class. This is how I go.... leaving wearing street clothes (all my kimono things in the blue bag) and returning fully dressed (all street clothes in the blue bag). A quick change artist. I wonder what the neighbours think?!
その女性達の半分は、着物姿で学校に通い、1回脱いでからもう1度教室で着るのです。残りの半分は洋服で来、学校の着物に着替え、クラスが終わったらまた私服に着替えて帰るのです。私の変身パターンはこうです: 私服で家を出て、ブルーバッグには着物。学校帰りは、着物姿で私服がブルーバッグの中。まさに早変わりのようですよね。近所の方はどう思っているのだろう?!
Breaking the rules - ルールを破る
My mother always says I was a willful child. Saturday night was one of those nights when I was in a willful mood. A friend was having a party. I wanted to wear kimono, but I wanted to wear it my way. I wanted looser hair, I wanted red lipstick, I wanted a 'party' look to go with my kimono. So I did it.
And the whole time I was thinking - I might get kicked out of kimono school for this one. I know, because I have been well taught, that the beauty of kimono starts with the nagajuban (the under kimono). And it was the one piece I didn't want to wear. The stiff white collar felt too 'proper' for the kind of casual evening I was about to spend. So I left it at home (gasp!)
Like it is with willful children - sometimes it's better to let them learn from their mistakes. Although I loved the look without the nagajuban, the kimono didn't lie well and it was hard to keep the back fabric pulled flat. Hopefully no one noticed!
Out in the rain - 雨の日
Why is it that everytime I need to go somewhere 'special' the weather will not co-operate?! After kimono class this week I had a very important date - I was invited to watch a special TV recording of BlueMan Group and Kabuki actor Kamejiro at the BlueMan theatre in Roppongi.
Everyone knows the BlueMan Group - they transplanted a version of their New York show here in Tokyo.
And everyone knows Kamejiro - and the pairing was fantastic. It was recorded by WOWOW in 3D. Check your TV listings for the program to air sometime in May.
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