
Sumo ー 相撲

When I first came to Tokyo, in October 2007, it was for three months. My husband was working every day, and I don’t know how it happened, but I ended up watching the November tournament and I got hooked.


It might seem like a strange sport to fall in love with, but I love the ceremony, the athleticism, and most of all the various characters that make up the upper ranks of sumo (the white guy from Belarus, the two battling Mongolian champions, etc.) For each of those 15 days, 4:00 pm would find me in front of the television, watching the best 15 battle, round robin style, until the one with the most wins was awarded the Emperor’s Cup.


Watching sumo on TV is fun; but getting the chance to watch it live is even better. It’s so exciting to hear the crowd cheer for their favourite wrestlers. You can even pass lower ranking sumo wrestlers in the hall after their matches.



**New York City– ニューヨークにて

MODE & CLASSIC NEW YORK presents the spring / summer 2012 collection featuring Japanese traditional fabrics and Kimonos on the Opening Night of Brooklyn Fashion Weekend.

Time:            Thursday, September 29, 2011
                     Door opens 7:00PM Show 7:30PM
日時:         2011年9月29日(木)
                     開場:19:00    開演:19:30

Location Industry City at Bush Terminal
241 37th Street, Brooklyn NY 11232
(Near 36 St. Subway Station, D N R Train)

Admission Free, RSVP required

RSVP:        rsvp@bkfashionweekend.com



Reflections on Kimono - 着物について

Even though, in Tokyo, the summer heat is still here, August 31 marks the end of 'yukata season', and marks the time to get back into hitoe (single layer kimono). After looking so forward to yukata season, I have to say, it wasn't my favourite. One of the reasons was my lack of wardrobe options. One of my inspirations to begin this project was to explore the eco-fashion side of kimono. Kimono is a perfect example of eco-fashion; they are usually recycled, or passed down, and worn again and again. Yukata (lightweight summer cotton kimono), on the other hand, was impossible to find recycled (in my size), so as I had to buy a new one, I decided to limit my purchase to one. This meant that I wore the same yukata for 2 months, and to be honest, I found it tiresome. At least with kimono, I have 5 to choose from, and feel like I have some variety.

The second reason why yukata season was less exciting in reality, than in my dreams, had to do with the weather. It was soooo hot this summer, that every time I wore my yukata, I felt like I sweat so much, that I had to wash (and press) it for the next time. Does everyone also do this. For some reason, I was afraid to re-press without washing, and yet - I couldn't re-wear the yukata after wearing it all day without re-pressing it. It was a lot of work.


 So now we are back to hitoe season (the month of June and the month of September) and then, I'm quite excited, back to full kimono season in October.




The Sartorialist in Tokyo - ザ・サトリアリストが東京に

If you love fashion, then he needs no introduction: New York blogger/photographer Scott Schuman pioneered fashion photography in blog form when he began The Sartorialist, in 2005. He travels around the globe, taking pictures of people who dress in a way that catches his eye. This week he was in Tokyo - and these yukatas caught his eye....

ファッションが大好きな人には、彼は紹介するまでもない。NYのブロガー/写真家であるスコット・シューマンは、2005年に「ザ・サトリアリスト」を始め、ブログという形態でファッションを紹介する先駆者として活躍。世界中を旅し、彼の目を引くようなお洒落をしている人を撮影し続けている。そして今週、彼は東京に滞在 – この浴衣姿が彼の目を引いたようです…

Trends spring from Schuman's blog... so perhaps we will soon see yukatas on the streets of New York or Paris!!

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